XIQS Get Rotation Logs List

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XIQS Get Rotation Logs List - Rotation Logs Management

getXIQSRotLogList ( [ Long id_partition ] , [ filter f ] )
Get Rotation Logs from current partition (all for admin).

One record corresponds to one Sim rotation (from allocation to release).
Record is created when Sim is allocated to the device with relevant values (startxxx fields). Unknown values are set to zero (including stopdate).
In normal case, all other values are set when Device aknowledge Sim Release (stopxxx fileds, including stop date).
After that record will never be updated and will be deleted after 60 days by default.

There are exceptions to that process:
- When Device is shut down, it will never acknowledge the Sim Release and record will never be closed. Currently, the only solution to delete these records is database manual deletion.
- When Sim is automatically released on Device Disconnection Timer (which is defined in Allocation rule), stop values are set. Data usage might be updated when the Device reconnects and sends its last consumed bytes.
- When End Time of Day Pass is reached, Data usage is updated with current Device value. Again, data usage might be updated when the Device reconnects and sends its last consumed bytes.

[ Long id_partition ]
id partition for filtering on a partition (admin only)
[ filter f ]
Return Values
List of < rotation log >
Long id - Rotation Log Id

String version - SIM Activity log version number

Long id_partition - Partition ID

String iccid - SIM card ICCID

String imsi - SIM card IMSI

String operatorname - SIM card name of the operator

String country - SIM card name of the country

String devicename - Name of the GSM device in use

String deviceip - IP Address of the GSM device in use

Integer deviceport - Port number of the GSM device in use

Long startdate - Start date & time of the SIM card allocation

Long stopdate - Stop date & time of the SIM card allocation (SIM card release date & time)

Long startcredit - Remaining minutes value at the start of the SIM card allocation

Long stopcredit - Remaining minutes value at the stop of the SIM card allocation (SIM card release)

String ppname - Name of the SIM Plan in use

String allocrulename - Name of the Allocation Rule in use

Long stopcause - Value of the STOP cause, see table below

Long callnb - Number of calls (connected or not) during the SIM card allocation period of time

Long asr - ASR during the SIM card allocation period of time (0 to 100%)

Long acd - ACD during the SIM card allocation period of time (in seconds)

Long transaction - Number of transactions done on the SIM card during the allocation period of time, with format like XXXYYYZZZ:
XXX : number of Activation transactions
YYY : number of transactions
ZZZ : number of Credit Check transactions

Long startsmscredit - Remaining number of SMS at the start of the SIM card allocation

Long stopsmscredit - Remaining number of SMS at the stop of the SIM card allocation (SIM card release)

Long smsnb - Number of SMS sent during the allocation period of time

Long smserrornb - Number of SMS Sending Errors during the allocation period of time

String deviceserial - Serial Number of the GSM device in use

Long startdatausage - Remaining Data at the start of the SIM card allocation

Long stopdatausage - Remaining Data at the stop of the SIM card allocation (SIM card release)

Long datausage - Data consume during the allocation period of time

Integer m2state - Highest status reached by the MIFI indicates what was the last registration status of the device
0 : Device has connected with no sim or waiting for Virtual SIM.
1 : Sim has been initialized (data received from Rack)
3 : Sim has been registered to Network
8 : Sim allocation is being processed
9 : Sim stayed in Not Registered state
25: Sim Array has been disconnected

Stop cause table
STOP cause value Description Corresponding parameter(s)
0 SIM card is currently allocated to a GSM port for use (default value as soon the SIM card allocation starts)
1 Reset at the end of Lease Time Allocation Rule: Maximum Allocated Time
2 Reset at the end of Lease Time with call hang up Allocation Rule: Maximum Allocated Time + Force Sim Unregistration
3 Reset at the end of Call Lease Time Allocation Rule: Maximum Allocated Calling Time
4 Reset at the end of Call Lease Time with call hang up Allocation Rule: Maximum Allocated Calling Time + Force Sim Unregistration
5 Max successive non connected calls SIM Plan > SIM Protection > Call & False Answer Supervision parameters
6 No more credit SIM Cards: Remaining minutes=0
7 Manual reset SIM Cards > Update: SIM release
8 Invalid PIN code SIM Cards > Select & Edit SIM card: PIN code
9 SIM needs PUK code
10 Max successive allocation failures Start > System Settings > Partition: Maximum successive sim allocation failure
11 SIM mismatch between the information from the GSM ports and the information from the system database (IMSI & ICCID)
12 SIM with ‘To be recharged’ status
13 SIM lost: the SIM card is released automatically by the mobile network itself
14 SIM not registered to the mobile network within the expected delay Start > System Settings > Partition: PLMN registration timeout
15 SIM activation script failed SIM Plan > Activation
16 SIM recharge script failed SIM Plan > Recharge
17 Daily credit limit reached SIM Plan > SIM Protection > Maximum Calling Time
18 Daily max number of calls reached SIM Plan > SIM Protection > Maximum Call Attempt
19 Allocation Rule max number of calls reached Allocation Rule: Maximum Calls
20 Allocation Rule max number of calls reached with call hang up Allocation Rule: Maximum Calls + Force Sim Unregistration
21 Remaining minutes value from SIM Cards menu greater than the result after Credit Check processing SIM Plan > Credit Check: Credit Check Consistency Enabled & Credit Check Gap Alert
22 Port temporarily disabled due to low ASR Port Group: ASR Sleeping Level
23 Port temporarily disabled due to low ACD Port Group: ACD Sleeping Level
24 Port deactivated due to successive low ASR or low ACD Port Group: ASR or ACD Sleeping Level + Deactivate GSM port on successive sleeping
25 Allocation Rule max number of SMS reached Allocation Rule: Maximum SMS
26 Reserved
27 Daily number of SMS reached SIM Plan > SIM Protection > Maximum SMS To Send
28 SIM Card disable after Credit Check parsing process SIM Plan > Credit Check: OUT OF CREDIT Message Format or NETWORK/SERVICE FAILURE Message Format or SIM BLOCKED Message Format
29 Successive Low Duration Calls SIM Plan > SIM Protection > Call & False Answer Supervision: Short Call Duration Supervision & Maximum Successive Short Call
30 SIM card released because the given gateway can not connect to the corresponding SIM Rack
31 SIM card released because the given GSM port is disable due to the main license limit Start > System Settings > License: Maximum GSM ports allowed
32 SIM card released because the given SIM board is disable due to the main license limit Start > System Settings > License: Maximum Sim Board allowed
33 SIM card released upon the iQsim Robot request
34 Max successive SMS sending errors into DLRs SIM Plan > SIM Protection: Enable SMS Supervision + Successive SMS Sending Error
35 SIM card released due to GSM Device disconnection time out Allocation Rule > Release on GSM Device disconnection
36 Daily usage of Data reached SIM Plan > SIM Protection > Daily Data
37 Allocation Rule max number of Data reached Allocation Rule: Maximum Data
38 Daily number of SMS Errors reached SIM Plan > SIM Protection > Maximum Daily SMS Sending Errors
39 Max successive SMS sending errors from the gateway SIM Plan > SIM Protection: Enable SMS Supervision + Successive SMS Sending Error
40 SIM card allocation reset due to communication error or connection timeout with the gateway or the Service Controller Allocation Rule > Release on GSM Device disconnection
60 Mifi Country has Changed
61 No More Credit on Mifi Device (SimPort)
62 No More Credit on Pass for Mifi Device (SimPort)
63 No More Pass for Mifi Device (SimPort)

Error Data structure ( Error Management )

Possible failure code returns
See Also


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XIQS XML Protocol
XIQS Framework Libraries
XIQS Command List